Murray Chrysler Okotoks

FCA What’s Behind: S1E3 – Balocco Proving Ground

FCA What’s Behind: S1E3 – Balocco Proving Ground


Testing a vehicle and all its components includes reliability, durability, dynamic performance and ergonomics. The results of this testing are analyzed and prototypes are fine-tuned. One of the largest testing sites in the World is in Balocco, a few kms from Milan. It is here that the entire dynamic development phase of the vehicle is completed.


From fine-tuning of chassis and suspension to calibration of mechanical and digital systems. Vehicles can rack up to 13,000 kms in just 6 weeks with all this excellence testing! After five months of testing, vehicles are completely dismantled and analyzed piece by piece and the equivalence of 10 years of wear and tear can be studied.


The future is created at Balocco!


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