blog:FCA What's Behind Archives | Murray Chrysler Okotoks
FCA What’s Behind: S1E2 – South Africa – The Desert Test

Welcome to Upington! Another place I had never heard of let alone been to. This location is also perfect testing ground for all FCA vehicles! From COLD to HOT … FCA uses this location to perform very similar brutal temperature testing. This time in +50C temperatures just outside Upington, South Africa – in […]
FCA What’s Behind: S1E1 – Arjeplog

What the heck is Arjeplog??!! I was thinking the same thing!! Is it a wacky new model? Never, ever have I heard this word before… Well, it’s actually a place … a very far away place. And it’s COLD!!! On the borders of the Arctic circle ‘to be exact’ … so very cold […]
FCA What’s Behind – Intro Trailer

This series takes us behind the scenes for an in-depth look into the intricate research and development of all FCA vehicles. We get an up close and personal look at the rigorous testing and brutal conditions that all Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Ram vehicles are put through to live up to very high expectations. […]